

4883 Uppsatser om Employee Perspective - Sida 1 av 326

Vårdnadstvister : Beskrivning av vårdnads regler då det råder samarbetssvårigheter mellan ett barns föräldrar

The swedish law of contract is fundamental within several civil law areas, among others labour law. The labour law contains more explicit legislation specificly adapted to the relation between employers and employees. Sometimes the labour law needs to rely on more general regulations, such as the law of contract. When the situation contains a specific contract relation dilemma it is logical to use the law of contract, when for example the law of employee protection does not reach an acceptabel solution.Transfer of undertaking is a situation were the employee protection is disregarded. The Euro directive 2001/23/EG prescribes, by its implemented rules in the law of employee protection, that rights and duties, such as employement agreements, passes on to the earner of the business.

Perspektiv på Personalutköp : En utredning av en alternativ lösning för avslutande av anställning

This essay investigates employee buyouts and does so from a number of different perspectives. Employee buyout is a term that describes a way of ending an employment through an agreement where the employee gets a sum of money in exchange of leaving their employment. Technically it is neither a resignation, since the employee gives up the employment in exchange of money, nor a dismissal since the employer does not have legal grounds for dismissing the employee. Employee buyout is not an illegal way to end an employment, as long as it is the result of a mutual agreement between the employer and the employee. In this essay I investigate and analyze employee buyouts in relation to 7 § in the Swedish employment protection act, and also Swedish employment protection in relation to regulations from EU regarding employment protection.

Övergång av verksamhet : En avtalsrättslig tolkning av vad det arbetsrättsligt innebär att enligt 6 b § LAS ta ställning till fortsatt anställning

The swedish law of contract is fundamental within several civil law areas, among others labour law. The labour law contains more explicit legislation specificly adapted to the relation between employers and employees. Sometimes the labour law needs to rely on more general regulations, such as the law of contract. When the situation contains a specific contract relation dilemma it is logical to use the law of contract, when for example the law of employee protection does not reach an acceptabel solution.Transfer of undertaking is a situation were the employee protection is disregarded. The Euro directive 2001/23/EG prescribes, by its implemented rules in the law of employee protection, that rights and duties, such as employement agreements, passes on to the earner of the business.

Gåva av utdelning

The swedish rule concerning the treatment of employee stock-options have changed and the new wording of the rule will be applicable for the first time in 2010. The previous wording of the rule stated that the employee shall be taxed for the stock-option when moving abroad, even if the option is not exercised. The Swedish Skatteverket and Regeringsrätten have found that this rule is in conflict with the free movement of persons within the European Union. The new wording of the rule states that the employee shall be taxed when the option is excercised, no matter where the employee is situated. A state`s right of taxation of a stock-option determines wheter and to what extent the employee stock-otion derives from that state..

Så kan arbetsegenskaper påverka de anställdas arbetstillfredsställelse inom en svensk matgrossist

It exists today a widespread interest for employee satisfaction, much effort are used in companies to achieve job satisfaction within their employees. One theory that has received a great deal of publicity is Hackman & Oldhams Job characteristics model which addresses the question of how companies can provide job satisfaction through organizational change. The foundation of the theory is that five core job characteristics are responsible for creating job satisfaction. The purpose of this paper is to study these characteristics through the employees and their boss and to determine how they believe these characteristics to affect employee satisfaction. The paper focuses on a company located in a branch widely known for low employee satisfaction.

Personaloptionsbestämmelsen : Beskattning av personaloptioner enligt den nya lydelsen efter 1 januari 2009

The swedish rule concerning the treatment of employee stock-options have changed and the new wording of the rule will be applicable for the first time in 2010. The previous wording of the rule stated that the employee shall be taxed for the stock-option when moving abroad, even if the option is not exercised. The Swedish Skatteverket and Regeringsrätten have found that this rule is in conflict with the free movement of persons within the European Union. The new wording of the rule states that the employee shall be taxed when the option is excercised, no matter where the employee is situated. A state`s right of taxation of a stock-option determines wheter and to what extent the employee stock-otion derives from that state..

Tjänstemannen som utvecklingsresurs - en fallstudie om tjänstemannens handlingsutrymme i organisatoriska utvecklingsprocesser

This essay is the result of a case study. The aim of this study has been to gain an understanding of government employee?s opportunity to be involved in and contribute to the processes tied to organizational development. The case study is based on the perspective of the government employees and their experience and thoughts regarding their opportunity to be a part of the organizational development. The empirical data that was generated by the case study has been analysed with New Public Management and Sense Of Coherence as a theoretical point of view.

Transformativt och transaktionellt ledarskap och dess samband med medarbetarnas va?lbefinnande

The purpose of the present study was to get further knowledge about the relationship between transformative and transactional leadership in the context of employee ?s well-being, as well as the relationship between the components of respectively leadership and employee?s well-being. The study also aims to gain knowledge about previous research on the transformational and transactional leadership and employee well-being and if it?s applicable in the Swedish culture. The few studies that studied the relationship between transactional leadership and the well-being of employees have found a negative relationship or found no relationship at all.

Servicekvalitet på lyxhotell : Ur ett lednings- och personalperspektiv

Service quality occurs in service encounters where both customers and employees come together in an interaction. It is therefore important that the staff give their best because the interaction usually takes place in real time, which is referred to as the moment of truth.The aim of this study was to find out how luxury hotels are working to ensure good service quality, and how the staff are motivated to deliver this service. We wanted to examine this from a management perspective, and an Employee Perspective. Information was gathered through various interviews, where the staff at the Hotel Kämp in Helsinki and at the Sheraton Hotel Stockholm participated.Survey results show that employee motivation, training and empowerment have a significant impact to provide service in high quality. The results also show that the surveyed hotel, to certain level work in the same way, but it reveals some differences even when both hotels are part of the same concern..

Samarbete, autonomi och stora personalgrupper : En personalvetenskaplig fallstudie om förutsättningar för medarbetare i en grundskola

The study is based on a human science perspective in which we are interested in the school as a workplace for adults and work with personnel issues. The aim is to contribute with new knowledge about what conditions an employee considers important to carry out their work, and employees' experiences of working in large personnel groups.We have made a case study in a Swedish local primary school for students in lower ages, with between 60-70 employees. We conducted nine semi- structured interviews with a hand-picked selection of employees from different occupational groups in the school. The study is empirical data -driven qualitative with abductive approach. To analyze the collected datamaterial, we have used the empirical data -driven thematic analysis.From the results of the study some aspects appear clearly; employees need to be seen by his/her boss, importance of employee autonomy and employee experience of stress.

Lärande organisation ur ett medarbetarperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om medarbetarnas uppfattningar om det gemensamma lärandet på en förskoleenhet

The purpose of this essay is to develop knowledge about how learning among employees is perceived to occur practically in a pre-school unit seen as a learning organization. From an Employee Perspective the intention was to gain an understanding of how they perceive the organization regarding employee learning in the workplace when it comes to in which contexts and what conditions that enable collaborative learning. Because learning organization is mostly a vision from a management perspective thereby it should in this case mostly be viewed as the context in which the employees work in.The essay is based on a qualitative research approach with eight semi-structured interviews. It was based on hermeneutics as method of analysis with the intention to gain an understanding of the employees' subjective perception. It is a case study on a selected pre-school unit in Stockholm.

Arbetsliv och föräldraskap : Missgynnande på grund av föräldraledighet

The main purpose of this essay is to study the Swedish labor law concerning employees who are, aspire to be, or are expected to become parents, both men and women. Thereby accomplishing a gender perspective on the issue at hand. The study also take in to account the laws issued by the European Union, and their impact on the Swedish law system, so as to gain an international perspective. The laws regarding parental leave, both Swedish and European, involve protection for workers from being treated in a less favorable way than someone in a comparable situation, as employers are forbidden to disfavor any employee or job-seeker in basically all situations in the work place or in a recruiting context, if the disfavor is in any way related to the parental leave. The only situation where an employer is allowed to disfavor an employee regarding his or her parental leave, is if the disfavoring is a necessary consequent of the employee?s absence.

Effekter av personalklädsel- En studie i detaljhandelsmiljö

More and more companies have realized the impact their employees' appearance has in creating an overallpositive experience for their customers. Hence, many retailers use some form of employee clothing or aspecific dress-code for their in-store workforce. The subject is in spite of this poorly investigated,especially in an ordinary retail environment. The purpose of this study was therefore to portray the effectsan introduction of a unitary employee clothing may have on customers as well as on the in-storeemployees. The experiment was conducted in two retail stores, belonging to a Swedish retail chain.

personalomsättning inom snabbmatsrestauranger

AbstractBackgroundEvery company has some kind of employee turnover and we can tell that som business has higher employee turnover than other business. Employee turnover is individual for all companies but in companies that is in the same business simularities can be seen. The employee turnover in the line of business hotel, merchandise trade and restaurants was according to Confederation of Swedish Enterprise closer to 40 % during the period of 2006-2007 and close to the business with highest turnover, the service sector. This is comparable to the buildning activity that with it?s 22 % is one of the business with lowest turnover.

Behovsanställning - en rättsvetenskaplig studie

According to the Employment Protection Act, the permanent employment is the main condition of employment in Sweden. Nevertheless, nowadays a large number of employers choose to apply other conditions of employment than the permanent employment in their businesses. The rapid technical development and the demands for shorter perspective investment in companies on the Swedish labour market have started the requirement for a more flexible workforce. On-call employment is one of the conditions of employment that is increasing the most. This condition of employment is adjusted by the parties on the labour market.

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